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Why I Give

I give to Parkminster because I believe we need more love and compassion in our world. Some days I feel like the human race as a whole seems unable to live out the basic morality of all world religions which is to love your neighbour and act with compassion. Parkminster does not profess to have all the answers, but inspires members to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with the Divine. I am proud to be part of such a caring community that gives so generously to Outreach programs both within our region and within the global community. Parkminster has helped my family become more globally aware and realize the need to help shape a more just and sustainable future for our world. I support Parkminster because of its liberal theology and inclusive policies. Parkminster nurtures my soul every week with the uplifting music from numerous talented musicians, the camaraderie of many inspiring people, and the messages that encourage me to look at problems from a more hopeful perspective. Parkminster empowers me to create change both within myself and my community. Parkminster restores balance in my life and gives my life deeper meaning. I am proud to financially support such an engaged, progressive church community.

shared by Kathy Shortt